Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Inspiration of Oprah

For years, millions of Americans across the country have tuned in their television sets to watch their favorite cultural icon, Oprah Winfrey.  While previously, some have failed to understand the appeal of this media giant, I being one of them, upon watching an episode of her show it quickly became apparent where the attraction is, Oprah is a living, breathing, walking, talking, personification of the American success story.  Born into poverty, Oprah overcame the societal conditions which have previously hindered so many to become one of the most recognizable faces in the world.  The stories on her show inspire hope in the audience and present them with the challenge that they too can accomplish as much as their beloved host.  Oprah's stories focus on overcoming adversity and using ones own inner-strength to accomplish ones goals.  Now one of my personal objections to Oprah is that she inspires false hope, unable to see how viewers were able to remain enthusiastic when it is impossible that they could all reach her levels of wealth and success; Oprah accomplishes this through her gifts.  When Oprah presents her audience with a gift, she also supplies them with a new-found enthusiasm and optimism, one which she hopes they will apply to the rest of their lives and help in bettering themselves.

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