Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Interrogation Room

      After watching a recent episode of CSI, it was brought to my attention how serious of a role the interrogation segments play.  Although the first half of an episode is typically devoted to the insciting incident and subsequent investigation, the investigators typically enter the interrogation room without all the pieces of the puzzle.  Naturally if they were able to completely solve the crime without interviewing suspects, there would be no need for the dramatic interrogation scene, but luckily, the characters' investigation abilities fall just short of clairvoyance to allow for that dramatic interrogation scene.  Whether the suspect being interrogated is guilt or not, they're interview is essential in order to uncover the missing piece that will resolve the episode's conflict, whether that be a literal criminal, or the equally dangerous character's inner demons.  Within the confines of the interrogation room, the jumbled story is pieced together so that the audience gains a sense of resolution; maybe the team catches a criminal, maybe a character regains their confidence, or maybe they put Justin Bieber in prison, the audience is satisfied regardless.

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